
Parked new Car hit on front right at 80 MPH will it be totaled?

by  |  earlier

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We were parked in front of our home when an idiot lost control at around 80 MPH or so and hit me on the front right side and drove my car (a 2008 Outlook) 100 feet back with a 2007 civic. Civic is a squashed beer can. Obviously there was major front damage but it did start to go on the tow. As soon as it started it sounded like the manifold was knocked off. Obviously I don't want a new car with large diminished value on top of depreciation. With a corner hit at 80 I'm darn sure its out of square. Any educated opinions? State farm essentially has said it would not mess with frame issues and would probably total it if it has severe frame damage. But I sure as h**l don't want a car that was slammed at 80 miles an hour to truck my 4 kids around in.




  1. it is squashed because it was design to do so.

    Modern car have designated crumble zones...they get squashed to protect you.

  2. If it is totaled it will forever have problems and if its not, then don't forget to ask for diminished value for this vehicle because you you never be able to sell it for what it is worth after this type of accident.

  3. Understand a bent frame is very easily repaired.  A cracked frame is a different story of course.  There are frame shops that specialize in it, and have been doing it for many, many years.  I had a bent frame repaired after a collision on a Chevrolet, and drove it for another 100,000 miles, then sold it.  It was as good as new after the repair.  

    If the cost to restore the car is lower than the target percentage of actual cash value of the car, they will repair it, it is not your choice.  If the cost is higher, they will write it off.  If it is damaged in a way it cannot be repaired safely, they will write it off.  

    Insurance companies have been doing this for a long time, as have body shops and frame shops.  They know what they are doing.

  4. Was the person who hit the car insured?  Is the person alive after a hit like that?

    It sounds to me like it ought to be replaced, for one that is the same kind of car & same year, etc.......!!

    You may need a lawyer to help you with the insurance companies, as they do not like to follow through with their responsibilities.  They've learned somehow to get out of it & they usually find a way to do this.

  5. YES i hope they total your car ! another great car for me to fix and have with little mileage on the engine!!

  6. The frame is most likely bent and that is totaled. New car, coming up.

  7. they,ll total it probably state farm is good about that ,and i don't think you,ll have to worry about the damage on it it probably will be more than 80% of the value of it,so you,ll probably get another vehicle to drive,good luck,and have a good new years.

  8. I would make sure it goes to the dealer to be checked out, insurance companies have a habit of going to a FRIENDLY place to get these things checked. I would think that an 80 mph hit on any corner is going to knock the frame out of square, an outlook is not that heavy of a vehicle to start with and a dealer would be more than happy to let the insurance company buy you another new one.

  9. Since it is a new vehicle I would sure as heck fight with the insurance to get me a new car.  Some insurance companies do that, it all depends on what type of coverage you have.  Try and get a couple of dealers to take a look at it and give you there opinion & quote on repairs (if possible).

    I would think it's a total loss and you should be given a new car minus the depreciation of your vehicle.

    Good luck!

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