
Parking Space Man yells at me?

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At my apt. there is a space you can park your car in the white zone. But there is no lines to space the cars out. So I park my car and went to my apt. I came back to my car and there was a men putting a note on my car. He was walking away to his car. I guess he heard me pick up the note and he turned around yelling at me then he got in his car. I was so nerves and scared I just got in the car and lock the doors and sit there for a while.(Buy the way it 9:40pm at night and there is no lights so you can not see that will.) I look in my mirror and he is waitting for me to move my car so he can park. So I back up and He gaves me a look. He was saying I was taking up to much space. And was yelling "move your f*****g car." What should I do? The note Said," Lern How To Park Your Car - There is Room For 4 Cars Here. J*** **s." And I did not take up space it was the car in front of me so I had to park the way I did but the car in fornt of me was gone so I think that why he thinks its was me.




  1. Wow, scary! Sounds like you did the right thing.

  2. I would report his behavior to your Apartment manager.

  3. Put it out of your mind and dont get  upset by his actions,,,forget it.

  4. Tell him to get a life and calm down.

  5. Blow it off and forget it.  He is the jack**s.  All you can do is do your best, and there will always be someone that complains.

  6. Next time for your safety and no one would blame you, call 911.

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