
Parking Ticket - Appeal?

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I parked my car on a single yellow line in the borough of Waltham Forest. I parked the car around 7.30pm. I thought it would ok to park as it was after 6.30pm.

The road did not have any signs saying if you could or couldn’t park there. The road had serval parking permit bay in it.

I didn’t park in the bay, only on a single yellow line.

On the ticket, the reason for the ticket was: “Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours”.

There were no signs at all in the street (except the permit bay) saying it was a restricted street and as for the prescribed hours, where would I find that??

Do you think im in the right to appeal?? Has this happened to you?? Any advice would be great.




  1. By appealing the ticket, if it was issued by error the council will cancel it.

  2. Parking on a yellow line is still an offence, there would be a sign somewhere along the road.

    You can try and appeal but it will more than likely get rejected as you admitted you parked on a yellow

  3. Pay up asap to avoid any further cost but appeal straight away.

    Many appeals are sucessful if you have the patience to follow the correct procedure but be warned they make everything as awkward as possible.

    Yoy then get the money back.

    Actually,it costs nothing to appeal but costs them a fortune to prepare the case against you so they lose out financially on every appeal.

    If everyone always appealed every ticket it would cost them millions more than what they collected in.

    Only in this country do we let them get away with it!

  4. I would appeal but pay the fine. you may find that if your appeal is unsuccessful you will have to pay more. It makes me sick. I'm just appealing against a similar thing in Westminster. I was caught by camara on a red route when i was clearly in a lay by signed for parking.It really does infuriate me. hope you are successful

  5. Take photographs of where you car was parked and where the restricted signs are located see if  they will cut you a break.

  6. There are three possibilities here.

    Firstly, it was a controlled parking zone. This is indicated by large signs at every major entrance to the controlled zone and will usually read 'controlled zone' then have the big blue-and-red no stopping symbol and the times of restriction underneath EG 0800 - 1800 or suchlike. I know many London borough CPZ's are in force until aroun 2100, In this case, pay up and look as happy as you can

    Secondly, if you check the highway code section on parking lines restrictions it states that if there is no sign for a single yellow line it means the restriction is in force 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    Thirdly, the ticket could have been issued in error, there should be an enquiry address on the back of the ticket

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