
Parking car at school?

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ok i park at the end of the parking lot at school and i park any old way but i mostly park at slant because i dont want some one to hit my car door would you care if some one did that if you were in school

then this kid in my classes like why do you park like that would you care ?




  1. Park however you want to,  to h**l with everyone else and their questions!!

  2. If the school has limited parking for students and the way you're parked impedes other from using the parking spaces to either side of you, then they have every right to call you out on it. If it's just an asthetic thing and you're not preventing other cars from parking next to you and they can enter and leave their car without problems, then just ignore the questions.

  3. You're free to park however you want. As long as you follow the rules, i.e. you can't double park.

    If People have opinions about your parking then thats them...

    It really doesn't matter.. Just as long as you follow the rules.

    People will always have opinions and such, but its up to you to listen and take action or disregard it.

    Personally I wouldn't care. As long as you had a good reason XD

  4. how does parking at a slant keep your door from being hit.
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