
Parking light is always on in my Mercedes-Benz C350 2008 Sedan

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I am replacing my parking lights in front to white LED (6LED bulbs) and as soon as I plug the bulb in, it lights up and stays lit.. even with teh car off. My car uses 2 bulbs on each lamp (4 total bulbs).

I've installed dozens of these, never had issues except in this C350 Benz.

Any ideas/help here is appreciated. Once I turn the car on, it goes on/off a bit, which is weird as well..

Thank you




  1. There is a problem in the way you have them wired. It's a shame, too. Since you have modified the factory wiring you no longer have a warranty on any of your exterior lights.

  2. The burned out bulb warning system in a Benz has a tiny bit of current flowing at all times.  Not enough to drain the battery but enough to turn on an LED.  

    You MUST always use the recommended bubs in a Benz and I highly recommend you stick with the OEM Bosch bulbs as well.  I've had cruise control problems when using GE, Osram, Sylvania or other brands in the brake light system that were solved by using the OEM Bosch bulbs.

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