
Parking ticket on private property?

by Guest57941  |  earlier

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I just received a parking ticket on private property (University). The PA Vehicle code cited is 3353a12, notes are "Parking on a sidewalk".

The University where I work is very lenient about motorcycles parking against their building, which is off of the public sidewalk. I was told by campus security that city parking authorities can not ticket me because it's on private property, but today.. ticket. Does anyone know the specific code relating to private property vs. public property violations?




  1. I would take a picture of were the motorcycle was parked. And take that into court with you and try to fight it.

    I know that there is a very fine line between puplic and private property. And there is a question as to because an "University" is concidered a public school that receives funding from the state as to whether the property is really private or public. There was a big issue here in VA about it and the courts ruled that it was public property if it was a University. If it was a college then the property was private.

  2. It depends upon "where" the sidewalk was on the university. If it is a university maintained sidewalk, but is used as a public walkway, the ticket is good.

    If the sidewalk is on campus & limited to just the college community, the college can issue you a university ticket. That's what we do.BUT.....because you are on private property, and by parking on our sidewalk you have created an unsafe situation. WE CAN TOW YOU. That costs more money than any ticket.

    Are the university guys sworn Police? Are the tickets they issue University tickets, or municipal (Police) Tickets. You haven't mentioned that. You say the "Parking authority" gave you the ticket? Does the University have any arrangements/ agreements with the local parking authority for parking enforcement?

    On my Campus, the local PD hasn't come on campus to write tickets, even though they can. The handicapped zones & fire lanes can be written by them and us. The local pd can cite the college for not properly clearing snow and ice, even though the sidewalk is maintained by the college. That sidwalk is used by the public, that's why.

    Talk with University security/Police supervision about the situation. Get the opinion of the local Police supervisor. (A sergeant or someone of rank)

    Above nice. Being Pissed will work against you.

  3. ANY parking restrictions should be on a clearly visible sign. If no sign, then argue the ticket.

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