
Parking ticket please help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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just got £60 parking fine which says I parked on the carriageway and not within the designated parking place, have view the video tape evidence the council has, which shows I stopped at the middle of the road (there were no traffic at that moment) get off the car and then get back into it within 10 sec. I don't call it parking when someone goes streight back into the car, can I get away with it? thanks




  1. i dont think you will get away with it, you still left the car

  2. Of course the car broke down or you felt that to move it further would be unsafe.

    The reason that you left your car unattended is associated with the fault on your car.

    After further consideration, you felt that it would be better to move the car after all to prevent a risk to other traffic.

    Your friend the mechanic has provided evidence to prove you did indeed have a fault.

    Alternatively,bite the bullet,pay the fine,then vote out the stealth taxing ,big brother government at the first opportunity.

  3. it depends on the circumstances of why you stopped, you may be able to contest it if it was to remove something from the road for instance, but if it was to go into a shop then you've got no chance

  4. yes you should go to and he should be able to help.

  5. The legal definition of "parking" is when the vehicle is not in use.

    You have the advantage over me - you were there, I wasn't. So if you were using the car at the time, you weren't parked, and therefore not guilty.

  6. no sorry you parked

  7. Parking is "parking"; it doesn't matter how you call it or for how long you did it and you admit getting off the car. Even if you don't get off the car you still can be fined for obstructing traffic. The law makes no exception if there is no traffic.

    Avoid ending up looking like a fool and forget that defense.

  8. It doesn't matter what you call it.  If they say it's parking, it's parking.  Just imagine what would happen if everybody did it when they felt it was clear of traffic.

  9. You stopped the car so therefore you parked it. It was outside of the designated parking place - therefore you shoulde just pain the fine and learn a lesson.

  10. You were obviously longer than 10 seconds as it takes longer than that to book a car in for parking!

    Sorry mate but if you turned off the engine and left your cars, its deemed as parked - unfortunatly your not going to win if you try to contest it.

    Dont you just hate the facist b*uggers?

  11. You may have got out of the car to see if you were in the designated space and as you saw you were not you got back in to move it. Did,nt you?

  12. sound like they are doing you for the very reason you are telling us, that you left your car UNATTENDED (parked) EVEN FOR A SHORT WHILE is still unattended

  13. You left the car in the middle of the road, and got out of it.  I call that not parking in a designated space.

    Don't think you can get away with that one.

  14. Nope, don't do the crime if you cant pay for it.

  15. You parked in the carriageway. Learn your lesson, pay the fine,dont do it again.

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