
Parking ticket.?

by Guest60356  |  earlier

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I got a parking ticket the other day because it was durring street sweep time. I could not move my van because someone had slashed the 2 passenger side tires. Do I have to pay for the ticket? Or can I fight it? BTW im in cali.




  1. you can fight any ticket if you do go to court the judge will probably wave the fine as long as you don't have any other outstanding tickets

  2. yes you can fight it...  on the back of the ticket, you can appeal it...  sometimes they have you come in person, other courts simply want a written explanation/appeal.  In either case, make sure you state why it was there, the fact that you couldn't move it... but include when it was vandalized (date and time.. if you know)... b/c they are gonna wonder why you didn't repair it and move it.  And if you filed a police report submit a copy of that as well...  it supports your point of view and lends credibility to your story.

    the gauge is such things is what is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances... if it was unreasonable to think you could repair it or move it in the time before getting the ticket, the ticket should be dismissed.

    Good Luck

  3. In nyc it is h**l or highwater, you gotta move that car.  Even if to just get it out from the curve and double park it.  

    It ain't no fun living in the Big Apple.


    It might be different in the Cali.

    Good Luck...

  4. you can fight it as long as you prove both tires were slashed because there was no possible way to move the van. take some pics & you should be good.

  5. Pictures would help or a receipt for the new tires but yes you can fight it and you will win...
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