
Parks and those Burka things?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so most amusement parks have a metal and backpack check so say there's someone with a Burka or something like that and some amusement parks for season passes have those cards with your pcitue in them so friends/family aren;t sharing because that's unfair.

So those people who wear the Burka things, tjhey're not allowed to show their faces. And yes I have seen them at Wonderland.

So do they have special women employees who check that woman so that she's not illegal because that employee can "legally" see the lady?

Or do they just let them go in without checking or what?





  1. In the United States, freedom of religion is protected by the Constitution. Wearing a Burka is generally something Muslim women do. Therefore, a woman wearing a burka in an amusement park is doing exactly what she has a right to do.

    How is it harming you? Why wouldn't you take the opportunity to teach your children about different cultures/religions?

  2. I think that since amusement park season passes aren't really a security issue, their identity shouldn't be either.  The season pass picture isn't an official form of identification, so their bhurka's shouldn't be an issue either.  And I don't think they should be subjected to searches just because if their religion either.  

    Now, if they were to get a driver's licence or passport, then yes, their picture should be taken, however, I'm ok with their ID's having a note on them stating that they are Muslim and that their faces can't be shown (unless it was for a security matter).

    Although we are america, there is no law saying that they can't wear the bhurka.  Their bhurka is a sign of their religion.  If that's what they represent, that's fine.  We're required to wear them overseas because that's their countries law regarding women.  Our laws here don't require people to show their faces, so allowing them to follow their religions is not an issue.

    If amusement parks have a problem with other people using season passes that belong to someone else, they should do what Bush Gardens did....their season passes use fingerprints for identification when you enter the park.

  3. If you're in America, you should abide by American laws. I guarantee that if an American went to another country, they'd be expected to abide by the rules of that country.

    In America, we do not wear Bhurkas. I would not feel compelled to check the woman's identity, simply because I'm a woman. Take the d**n thing off. If you can't do that, then you don't need to be in an American amusement park.

    No, that's not being racist. That's being honest. I don't appreciate someone coming into MY country and telling me that I MUST go with THEIR customs. WRONG. Ain't happening.

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