I think I've been going at it all wrong. I let "motion" become the focus, and its not. Being is....so lets leave motion aside, and work on the real pit of my problem.
Being....I've gone exhaustive over the poem in which being is the focus. I think I may have it. Being isn't related to the human experience. It can't be...part of, but not its entirety. Humans, who veil their existence with reliance on their senses to define reality, are missing the entire point. The reality of our senses is only a small and insignificant portion of the greater reality...the reality of being. Its inspiration, intuition,belief...those things we have no concrete proof of...that are the core of being. They are being....that's why Parmenides says it is infinite, uncaused, equally real in all directions....because it can't be limited by humans. In investigating man within the natural world, within the cosmos, humans tend to limit. We limit time, space, everything we do is contained and set into distinct frames of reference...unwittingly, we have left out, forgotten or outright denied that we are but a small part of the infinite nature of existence. Mans appearance in the "scheme of things" was always a part of reality. It didn't change it, didn't negate it, didn't influence it. That is why, once we have said something is, we cann;t then say that it isn't...because we have acknowledged the reality, we cannot then make it unreal.
Have I, finally, come as close as I will ever be? Or am I still missing something?