
Parrot Fish Stressed Out - Help!?

by  |  earlier

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Two parrot fish roughly 3-4 inches in length in 10 gallon tank. Paired and have layed aggs to no avail twice as expected. PH is maintained around 7.4. VERY spooked by movement in the room. Often fight. Hang upside down either in a top corner of the tank or at ground level in their one artificial plant. They probably could use a bigger tank with more room to establish territory. However, a water change has always worked and made them happy. Not this time! Help!




  1. Your tank will be the end of your Parrots. I have 2 Blood Parrot Cichlids and they live in my 55 gallon tank. They can reach to 8-10 inches and they are a chubby delight. I would recommend that you immediatly upgrade to a larger tank. Look on craigslist, garage sales and your local newspaper for good deals on 55 gallon aquariums. Good luck.

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