
Part 2:Many Questions about METAR RMKs ! Some are difficult !?

by Guest45099  |  earlier

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KLGA ...RMK AO2 SLP177 FU FEW005 FU PLUME SW FROM 005-040 DRFTG SE T02670128=

"DRFTG" means what?


"WEA:NONE" means what?

KNQX ...RMK SLP1 32 T02830244 T2 SET=

"T2" means what?

KTTS ...RMK MDT CU ALQDS 1CU 1SC (2) 3AC 7AC (8) SLP152 8/87/ 9/27/=

why use "(2)" or "(8)", describe what?

KLSF ...RMK MDT CU SE-SW SLP160 8/202 9/402=

"MDT" means what?

UHSS ...RMK S/Z QFE762 01CLRD70=

"S/Z" means what?

KNFL ...RMK FU FEW000 SLP116 T2 SET T02720083 PA:3910 DA:6100 RH:31=

"PA","DA","RH" means what?

CYBB ...RMK SF1SC6 5.0/2.0/NIL/LAST OB/NEXT 121400Z SLP128=

the whole RMK means what?


the whole RMK means what?


"ICG PAST HR" means what?




  1. I can answer some, but not all.  With international observations, many times the observer will be using local coding.  So sometimes it can be tough if you don't know how the local stations rules are.  I give it my best guess from my experience with reading aviation weather observations and forecasts.  

    1. DRFTG SE = drifting southeast

    2. WEA:NONE = I think this means the Weather group is not available.  This is based on the next code TSNO.

    When automated stations are equipped with a lightning detection system and that sensor is not operating, the remark TSNO shall be coded.

    3. T2 = Don't know.

    4. (2) or (8) = Don't know.

    5. MDT CU SE-SW = Moderate cumulus clouds from southeast to southwest of observation point.

    6. S/Z = S usually stand for Snow/Z usually stands for freezing

    My guess would be the:

    Snow or Freezing level


    Snow or Freezing Precipitation

    7.  Based on the order, I would say the first group is the temperature in F, the second group is the wet bulb temp in F, The third group would be the relative humidity.

    PA3910  DA6100  RH :31

    We can check to see if this might be the answer because with any two data, we can find the third.  I will assume the first one is the dry bulb temp and the second data to be the wet bulb temp.  We will then find the RH and see if it will give us 33 %

    Using the weather calculator from the following web site, I punched in the number and got the follow results

    Temp = 39.10 F WB temp 61.00 F

    IThe result was RH = 33%

    I think that is close enough to say that they are a match...but I will let you make the final judgement.

    8. CYBB ...RMK SF1SC6 5.0/2.0/NIL/LAST OB/NEXT 121400Z SLP128=

    The way that is writen, it looks like the old SAO weather observation format.  The METAR code replaced the old SAO coded format about 10 to 15 years ago.  If this is correct, then...

    SF1SC6 = I'm not sure about this group. This may be the station I.D.  Or this code kind of looks more like the old terminal weather forecast cloud group.  Before we went to the TAF, we had the terminal forecast.  But since I am not sure, I really can't give you an answer on this group.

    The rest, if it is using a code like the old SAO code, it would be:

    5.0/2.0/ NIL = temperature / Dew Point / Winds

    NIL =  Not Available (wind data)

    LAST OB = This means this will be the last weather observation for now.

    NEXT 121400z = The next observation will be taken on 12th day of month at 1400 zulu time.

    SLP1208 = this is the sea level pressure group.


    SC2ACC2CI2 - This looks like some kind of a cloud type group.  This is not the standard coding, but not every observer follows the standard international coding, especially in the remarks area.  My best guess is:

    SC - the low cloud type - stratocumulus

    ACC - Mid cloud type = Altocumulus Ceiling

    CI - High cloud type - Cirrus

    I'm not sure what the number 2 stands for.

    DA = I'm not sure what this is.

    The rest looks like the observer is using a landmark that is 972 feet away from the observation point.  So it would read Visibility greater than 972 feet except lower southeastward.

    SLP is the Sea Level Pressure.

    10. "ICG Past HR" = Icing past hour.

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