
Part 3- I do have questions, but you had to have an idea before answering it I'm I right, I thought so! ...?

by  |  earlier

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(sorry for the delay I was at lunchtime).......was the situation,yes I was possessed for 7 days, at moments I could barely speak, I was weak, didn't sleep or eat I just beg for help when ever it let me, it was a battle for my own life the worst part is that I was somewhere in there, his voice was in my head and it made me do things against my will I have never had any experience with anything unnatural like this, many preachers came to see me, from different christian religions including does that don't believe but only my mom matter, she said: you could defeat it,I know you are listening 1st you need to help yourself so Jehovah could help you by confronting him(Devil).Of course I did my family took me to the guy and he was asked for what was happening he didn't denied or accept being involved his answer was that he was devoted to the devil and he would make people pay of he was hurt. there are many shades of gray hidden and worst things than death beyond us.Why is easier to be an ignorant and say hey that's is'' b.s''. and believe what you want so you could feel that you in control you can't be right and wrong at same time and if you think you are, let me tell you, half truths are the worst lies in the world and are often said and told but that's not my case God bless you all!




  1. Why is it that atheists never experience any of these weird things?  Only those that really really believe in being possessed get possessed.  For your safety, I would stop believing this instant, then all will be fine.  Best of luck to you.

  2. Should I be expecting another one of your pointless ramblings in about an hour ?


  3. I really don't think here is the place to tell that.  There are too many who just don't understand what you're talking about and they will try to use it against you.  

    Draw closer to God everyday.

  4. U got a big problem. Not as big as mine. You lucky you.

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