
Part I: Who can you trust absolutely in this world? Part 2: Can you say that you can be trusted absolutely? ?

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Part 3: Should you trust anyone absolutely?

As hard as it may be, pls explain your Answers.




  1. part 1 Jesus part 2 no, but by his grace and love and mercy for me i can try to be trusted , part 3 i believe we all fall short but with his love and grace and mercy he has shone me  it give s me understanding for others i love and show love to others b/c Christ loves me , its not me i want  people to trust its the lord in me i want them to see and trust , being trusted is one thing knowing what you trust is totally different,be blessed :)  

  2. It is sad that you have to be very careful with who you can trust. I totally trust my 2 daughters and my boyfriend. I have been screwed under so many times I trusted NO ONE for a long long time except my daughters. My boyfriend has taught me many things about trust and relationships in the last yr and I love him for that. You really can trust some people, but I would never let them know how much, they usually will take advantage of that trust unfortunatly.

    Am I trustworthy? Yes, I can keep a secret, I can and am always here for everyone, and if I give u my word that means everything.

  3. I trust my mother, completely. That's because she has earned it. I trust my husband and daughter a great deal, but never 100%. I have no reason not to trust them. However, kids can change depending upon what suits them, and husbands, while well intended, can hurt us quite a bit.

    I can be trusted with just about anything, but not with everyone. I am loyal and trustworthy to those who have earned it, I don't give it out freely.

  4. part1: best person to trust is your self.

    part2: no

    part3: yes trust them but not absolutely because they can tell you something just to hurt you if they are mad.

  5. You can trust yourself and your dog.  That's it.

    You cannot say you can be trusted, absolutely.  That's nonsense.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of baloney.

    You should not trust anyone absolutely.  There are degrees of trust, and you have to know that everyone is ultimately going to protect themselves over anyone else.  Period.

  6. i dont really trust anybody in my life

    with my real dad not being in my life and my mom marrying my stepdad i guess you could say i got trust issues from these things happening to me

    if a friend or someone that really needed to get something off their chest that was very personal that person would be able to trust me

    other than that im pretty much a blabber mouth

    i think you should always be on guard with everybody family, friends, everyone because you never know what's gonna happen

    but hey thats just my oppinion

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