
Part I which teams fans have been awarded the accolade "the worst in europe" by uefa ?

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why were english clubs banned from european competition 20 years before this award ? part III will their fans ever learn how to behave and not steal from each other, not beat up the children, elderly and infirm, (for tickets)nor blame the stadium for their over crowding ?




  1. We've won it five times,

    We've won it five ti-i-imes,


    We won it five times!

    Did you know that Liverpool have won the biggest club competition in Europe five times? That's a British record you know! More than Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United put together! They've also won 18 top division titles, another British record! Wow, that's quite impressive! :)

    Keep 'em coming, Giggsy me old chum :)

  2. Giggs the worst fans in europe comment was retracted as quick as it was said. You are just getting insulting now we have a minority of our fans who are arseholes as i know every other football club in the world does. Including your united. We are well aware of what happened in heysel why do you feel the need to bring it up all the time?? what does it achieve for you does it feel good. You claim all this is banter but you only put it all of for shock value you seem to enjoy winding people up.

  3. I would like to engage you in a civilised conversation and try to explain why this particular question shows you up for what you really are. I know I can't though, because you're so embroiled in your deluded, narcissistic diatribe, that it would be impossible.  Say what you want about Liverpool FC, leave the the people and tragedies out of it. I trust I will be blocked for this answer, believe me no sleep will be lost. It's the sign of a coward. One who blocks people because they don't agree with you. More importantly, this forum is here for ALL fans of football and not just for you to spout inane rubbish. Give us all a break and behave yourself. If I supported Man Utd, I'd hang my head in shame at this question.

  4. Im not a fan of any of the top four clubs

    But I can say Im getting sick and tired of seeing a fan of one club insulting the other

    Mr Mungbean says it all, you are NOT respecting the victims 20 years ago with this post

    Come on people grow up

  5. with you all the way on this mate all clubs had to suffer because of them but oooh dont ever mention it or we will start crying brian clough was right what he wrote in the sun

  6. Yep.

    Not one; but two tragedies causing immense loss of life; and yet, they're still at it.

    No.  It's you Liverpool fans who need to grow up.

    Oh, and be in no doubt that the Taylor report mentioned drunken scousers pushing and shoving because they were impatient to get into the ground; having arrived late from the pubs.

    The police just screwed up in their crowd control.  Still:  How do you handle so many drunken marauders?

  7. no need to answer it >> ITS POODLEPOOL

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