
Part of Speech: Phrases?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I'm going to take my first exam in 1st year high school. My problem is that well...Honestly, I'm having a hard time in English, probably because I'm not English speaking. I'm not confident with my current knowledge with the subject. I'm having a hard time identifying the functions, also distinguishing between gerund and participial---seems like both are the same.

Basically I want to ask if you know some tips on how to identify the structure and function of a given phrase?e.g.

Structures: gerund,infinitive,participial,appositive... and prepositional

Functions: noun, adjective, and verb

Could you give me some tips on identifying the structure and function of a given phrase? Some advice?





  1. here you are, it's really valuable advice:


    get a good grammar book with exercises and do them all not skipping even one


    such sentences as

    "I'm not confident with my current knowledge with the subject"

    take you far away from passing any English exam


    it's not only about learning words, it's also about using them properly


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