
Part of my bottom permanent retainer is gone now....?

by Guest31667  |  earlier

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I've had a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth for around 17 years. Last week I noticed that part of it was loose and that the cement had come off of two of my teeth. The bar was moving around and was really annoying so I took the metal piece of on those two teeth. The retainer is still covering 4 of my teeth but not those two. My sister told me that I should get it replaced and that my teeth will move but my friend told me that after that long it won't be a big deal and that I don't even need it anymore. I plan on keeping the piece that is still on my teeth, but do I need to get the whole thing replaced? I don't have insurance and my old orthodontist's says it will cost me $325. for a new one which I think is a bit over the top. Any suggestions? Serious answers only please.




  1. Oh the same thing happened to me, the little dots of glue came off of two teeth. I told them at first I didn't want the retainer anymore, but they said that it's better to keep it on than have to get braces again, a whole 'nother 4,000$ adventure. The teeth WILL move if you take it off. So I told them to fix it, please.

    They replaced my 2 dots of cement for free, since I've already paid so much for the 4 years of orthodontic services there anyways. You don't need a new one, they just put more cement on it and it's as good as new. Feels a whole lot better too!

    best of luck!

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