
Part time job for my 13 y.o. daughter?

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Hi, I'm looking for a part time job for my 13 y.o. daughter. We live in Lockeford, CA, and don't want her to have to have me to drive her there. I want her to ride her bike to work. Any suggestions? No baby-sitting, though.




  1. street mime

  2. She CANNOT legally get a job until she is 16. You should know that! She can mow lawns, rake leaves, shovel snow in the winter, walk dogs, or something else.

  3. in cali  you can not  get a job untell u are 16 and u have to have a work prement  from the school

  4. Mowing Lawns, walk dogs, pet care, try maybe a local bank they often hire young teens to do shredding, painting, deliver news papers, any yard work, babysitting, help people clean, washing cars, I would just ask the neighbors if they need any odd jobs done and I'm sure you would get some good suggestions.Good Luck =D

    here is a site it will give you suggestions for jobs around your area.

    helpful sites

  5. Hi! If there is a near by pet store she can work it that would be great! She can have fun playing with the puppies or  kittens and learn a good work ethic at the same time!

    (((If you cant find a good job she could do some voulenteer work!)))

    Hope this helps! <3

  6. she could try working at a daycamp with younger children, help out an older person with yard work or other chores, or ask a small shop owner if there is anything she could do for them.  If she does well in a certain subject at school she may be able to tutor someone younger to help them with their schooling.

  7. Many moms look for younger girls such as your daughter to help out. Like a mothers helper, They keep the kids occupied while mom is shopping or help around the house.

    I use to hire the girl next door during the summer to help me dust and clean, or just watch my daughter in the pool while I gardened. Also was a big help when I wanted to run errands.  It really wasn't a baby sitting job because I was there but she was always a big help and I know that many moms do the same thing. You might also check out your local grocery stores notice board for other job opportunities

  8. 1) Outside help (Lawns, weeds, etc)

    2) Inside help (Laundry, house cleaning, etc) - Maybe if you have a nice elderly couple in your neighborhood it would be fun for her to do this and also get to know them, hear their stories, etc.

    3) Does she do any sports? Maybe she could help a younger neighbor out and help them learn it/teach them

    Unfortunately, there's not really all that much she can do at that age. There are a lot of volunteering opportunities she could take advantage of though. She's a little bit young to actually have a job.

  9. Paper delivery route.


    YMCA, Boys and Girls Club may have some opening postion

    Research your local classifieds

  10. she cant work she's to young

  11. Cut grass, walk dogs, weed gardens, clean pools... Think outdoor tedious things... that is what neighbors should be willing to pay for.

  12. baby sitting would make the most money\

    I'm 13 and i baby sit

    dog sitting is OK money

    cleaning and cutting grass doesn't pay well and it's no fun

    if she is artiste try getting her to make earrings and stuff to sell at at arts and craft bazaar.

    if she is turning 14 soon she can start life guarding if she has a certificate. if she doesn't you can apply at your local red cross good luck

  13. There is big money in Dog p**p.  Nobody wants to clean it up, and an enterprising young person who can deal with the idea can 'clean up'.

    I have a  neighbor paying someone $20 a week to clean his yard.  Kid comes by every other day with a scoop and a garbage bag and spends about 3 minutes (dogs tend to go in one area).  That comes out to $120 an hour, the equivalent of a 6 figure income....  

    Find 10 neighbors with big dogs and you can almost live off what she makes!

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