
Part time jobs inspiration?

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I need a part time Job,for in the week but in the evenings.

Anyone have any ideas as to the kind of places I could apply to?

I've tried All the big supermarkets,local shops,BHS Woolworths and Wilkinsons.I'm 17 on september 5th,and need a job to fit around 6th form,starting 8th september.Please just let me know any ideas you might have?




  1. I know that some major hotels hire for evening help.  They pay ok and the work really is not that hard.  

  2. Apply in clothes shops i your town, you're more likely to get a job around this time because people will be quitting to go to uni etc!

    You could also try:


    working in fast food places - e.g. Subway

    working in your local corner shop

    you could even sell unwanted/unused clothes or gadgets on ebay for some extra cash whilst you don't have a job!

  3. Sometimes a smaller store chain or even a "Mom & Pop" owned store will work around your schedule. You could try that. What about restaurant work? waiting tables, bussing tables, kitchen help, food delivery. A service-oriented store might offer later hours - pet grooming, barber shop (set appointments, sweep floor), pool maintenance, etc.

    If you're more entrepreneurial, you could offer your services and make your own hours - mow lawns, babysit, do shopping/errands for people, pet walking/pet sitting, landscaping/gardening help, teach people how to use the computer, etc. Whatever you think you can help people with.

    Good luck! Hope this helps.

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