
Part3 I have to write over sorry about Spelling?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is in the Military we both have jobs and a apart together we would do fine with a baby so how do i tell him we are having a baby. He is leaving in September so i don't know how he will feel about it.




  1. Tell him NOW.  You owe that to yourself and him.  What if you don't tell him.  He may get the opinion that it's somebody else's baby.  Regardless of the fact that you may know it's his, he may or may not believe you, especially if you tell him later on.  Do it now and get it over with and move on.  You are assuming that he may be upset.  Maybe he'll love it, who knows.  Give him a chance to show his emotions and everything will come out alright in the end.  Be at peace with yourself.  

  2. You should tell him right away! If you don't tell him then maybe later he might deny it saying that its not his baby that your having...Honestly you should tell him everything openly...How you're feeling about this.. what you want to do about it...What you want HIM to do about it.. Work something out with your boyfriend right now so you don't have problems later on. :]

    Hope I helped and good luck.. I hope all goes well. =]

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