
Particles explosion...?

by  |  earlier

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In the news i heard that some people ( i think scientists) were going to make some atoms, particles or something (i'm not sure) crash together at high speed to see what would happen. What is the name of this project/experiment?




  1. You're probably referring to the new Hadron collider at CERN.

  2. I forget what the collider is called, but it is at CERN, the european high speed collider institute.  And it is not so much to see what will happen as to prove the math behind the theory and to get a better handle on some estimated values for certain parameters.

    Colliders have been in use since the manhatten project, they just keep upping the energy they can put into the system.  the one you are asking about will be the most powerful yet to be used.  Back in the 70's I worked for the physics department at my school, building detection chambers for a similar project.  helped pay for my education and taught me some interesting things.  Just call me the muon man.

  3. Hello,,the suicide solution to global warming and over population.

  4. A particle accelerator!

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