
Partiess. help??

by Guest62612  |  earlier

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i am having my 15th birthday party this weekend and i have no idea what to do?? should i have it at me house, and what should we do? or go out somewhere,and where?? details please




  1. Why dont you have some of your girlfriends over for a spa slumber party. My daughter did that a few months ago and they had a blast. We decorated the living room with white Xmas lights and put out warm wet towels and had buckets to soak there feet in & they teamed up in twos and gave each other pedicures. We put magazines out everywhere & had the room set up like a spa area. They also did facials and later played a game where they got in there groups of two and we blindfolded one and they had 1 minute to put makeup on there team mate. We had a competition to see who could do the best job blindfolded.

  2. Its been forever since I was 15 but I just had my 29th Bday party at my House. That way you can invite all of your family to be there cook your favorite foods. I made baked , BBQ , and fried chicken yellow rice mac & cheese garden salad and potatoe salad. have some appertizers make virgin daquiris. have a lot of ballons and decorations.pump the music up and partyyyyy.

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