
Partitive Genitives in Koine Greek?

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I've recently read the work of a certain scholar who says that in Exodus 11:5 of the Bible, there is ONE example of a partitive genitive prōtotokos (firstborn, Strong's G4416). But the word "prōtotokos" is in the verse 4 times.

Could anyone tell me which "prōtotokos" in Exodus 11:5 is the partitive genitive "prōtotokos"?

Ex 11:5 “And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.” (KJV)

kai {<2532> CONJ} teleuthsei {<5053> V–FAI–3S} pan {<3956> A–ASM} prwtotokon {<4416> A–ASM} en {<1722> PREP} gh {<1093> N–DSF} aiguptw {<125> N–DSF} apo {<575> PREP} prwtotokou {<4416> A–GSM} faraw {<5328> N–PRI} ov {<3739> R–NSM} kayhtai {<2521> V–PMI–3S} epi {<1909> PREP} tou {<3588> T–GSM} yronou {<2362> N–GSM} kai {<2532> CONJ} ewv {<2193> PREP} prwtotokou {<4416> A–GSM} thv {<3588> T–GSF} yerapainhv {N–GSF} thv {<3588> T–GSF} para {<3844> PREP} ton {<3588> T–ASM} mulon {<3458> N–ASM} kai {<2532> CONJ} ewv {<2193> PREP} prwtotokou {<4416> A–GSM} pantov {<3956> A–GSN} kthnouv {<2934> N–GSN}




  1. Edit #2

    Thanks for the english lesson.

    geni·tive (jen′i tiv)


    Gram. designating, of, or in a relational case typically expressing possession, source, or a partitive concept


    A part of a whole

    (Fred is the foremost of all builders.

    Fred is a builder, who happens to be the best.)

    Possession or Source:  

    (Spirit of God or God&#039;s Spirit.

    Thus the spirit belongs to God, or God is the source of his spirit.)

    In Ex 11:5 all references to &#039;firstborn&#039; are Partitive because all are &#039;part&#039; of the offspring the one named.


    Pharaoh had many children, but only one firstborn.

    As to Jesus, Jehovah has many sons (Job 1:6)  But he has only one &#039;firstborn&#039;

    Col 1:15 calls him the &quot;Firstborn of all creation&quot;

    Even if you want to change this to &quot;Foremost of all creation&quot;

    Jesus remains part of creation, just as Fred remained a builder.

    Nowhere in the Greek does Col 1:15 say &quot;over&quot; creation

    Thus the expression can not mean that Jesus is the &#039;source&#039; or the possessor of creation.



    I find it funny that when you attach Jesus name to a scripture, simple words no longer mean what they say.

    Rev 3:14,  &quot;Beginning&quot; doesn&#039;t mean beginning it means &quot;ruler&quot;

    Col 1:15  and Heb 1:6  &quot;Firstborn&quot; doesn&#039;t mean the first born but it means &quot;Foremost&quot;

    John 3:16 &quot;only begotton&quot; doesn&#039;t mean begotton, but only means &#039;unique&quot;

    Matt 3:17  &quot;Son&quot; doesn&#039;t mean offspring but means &quot;part of a Godhead&quot;


    I&#039;m not sure what you are asking.

    Ex 11:5 was written in Hebrew and not Greek.

    are you referring to the LXX (Septuagint)?

    Firstborn in this verse refers to the literal &#039;first born&#039; or first child / creature found in Egypt.

    Unless the Israelites splashed the blood of the lamb on their doors, their &#039;firstborn&#039; would also die.

    It was not enough to just &#039;eat&#039; the lamb, but they had to show their faith by placing the blood where everyone could see their faith.

    today it is not enough to call Jesus &quot;Lord&quot; in our hearts, but we must show that faith by obedience.

    also see

    (Luke 2:6-7) . . .. 7 And she gave birth to her son, the firstborn, and she bound him with cloth bands and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the lodging room.


    (Colossians 1:18) . . .He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,. . .

    Here which in is context of Col. 1:15,  Firstborn means &#039;beginning&#039;

    Just as Christ is the first one resurrected to heaven,

    He is also the first one created.


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