
Party Games for teens?

by  |  earlier

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I am having a party this weekend, and i bought a ton of nice prizes from sephora (expensive :S) and i need some good games for people to win them! i have these games so far:

1. pass the present

2. pin the tail ...

what else??




  1. The game where you tie a balloon to your ankle and run around trying to pop other people's balloons(by stepping on or sitting on lol), but remember to protect your balloon! If your balloon pops you are elimanted.Last one with a balloon wins!

    Slip-n-slide races? Mabye set up an obstacle course to go down the slip-n-slide, down the slide on your playset, carry a certain amount of water balloons over somewhere...etc be creative. Don't do teams, just 1 vs 1 to eliminate people.

    Apples to apples is a funny game to play if you put down something that doesn't have to do with the topic.

    Dance dance revolution wars is a good idea.

    Email me if you want some details or anymore help.

  2. you could try a scavenger hunt where how ever many items they find, they get that many points and then you can auction the prizes to then highest bidder (of points).

    Charades (spelling)?

  3. Im sorry but.....those games kinda suck.

    be more creative, those games are so tacky.

    Try apples to apples, thats really fun.

    Or you could play truth-or-dare and if someone

    does a really extreme dare you could give them

    a prize.

    But like i said,

    be creative.

  4. ☼Knocked Kneed:::

    ●What you'll need:::

    ●●Two or more players

    ●●One blown up balloon per player watch or clock

    ●How to play:::

    ●●This is a relay type of game. Separate the players into teams of 4 or 5 at most. Have each player race acrossed an area with a filled balloon inbetween their knees. When they get to the point of where they are going they have to pop the balloon (by sitting on it) and then race back. The first team done wins.


    ☼Pass the Hat:::

    ●What you'll need:::

    ●●Three or more players or teams

    ●●1 Hat per team

    ●How to play:::

    ●●Version #1: Form a circle and place the hat on one players head. The player should pass the hat going around the circle without using their hands. If a player drops the hat he/she is out. The winner is the last one in the circle with the hat on their head.

    ●●Version #2: Form two circles and use two hats, one per circle. Play in the form of a relay game. Players pass the hat around the circles without using their hands. The first group that makes in around the circle wins.


    Try Out This Site:


    Pin the tail.....

    NO! everybody will hate you!

    thats for 2 year olds.

    sorry but im saving you.


    Try Apples to appples Which i have that game.

    its really fun!

    and my favorite of all time.

    would have to be....

    hang man...

    but in my version.

    everytime you get a letter wrong

    you take off a piece of your colothing.

    get freakyy ;]


    dont play that with girls though.


    or unless you like that kinda stuff.

    hoped i helped:]

  6. Do you have a a video game console? I played Revolution Karaoke at a party once and I have never had more fun in my life! You can play against up to 8 people at a time you will laugh at what the judges say about you! You can do duets too if you have a lot of people.

    You can also do a photo scavenger hunt, but make sure you keep it fun. Like: Take a picture inside a limo, or take a picture of yourself giving a security guard a piggy back ride.
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