
Party Ideas! HeLp 10 Points for best answer

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Ok im having like a miniture sweet 16 for my 11 year old daughter were going to have a DJ but other than that my mind is blank so can you guys plz help me with some ideas




  1. umm you could have a theme, possibly old hollywood style or something or a disney channel theme... eg come as your fav disney character. as for games.... maybe the traditional stuff... they are still 11 after all. pin the tail on the donkey, you could have a disney quiz in teams, pass the parcel. that type of stuff.  

  2. ok how about a hip hop/concert theme thing like get a checkered black and any color rug as a dance floor only put balloons in the the room corners or else it is childish, then get a disco ball thing and hang it from the roof right in the middle of the room put a long table like the have as Sam's or Walmart they have clothes on and put the drinks like soda,coke,sprite,rootbeer,etx. and chips,brownies,like tacos,little sandwitches NO PIZZA it is played out everyone uses it then like make sure there is no slow songs it will slow the party down and they kids will separate to diffreent sides of the room and it becomes akward so make sure like jonas brothers,demi lovato,rihanna,chris brown,miley cyrus,metro station,

  3. um go bowling

  4. ,sounds like fun ! I think pizza would go over real good , and even a pinata , even at that age hitting the stuff animal that is ful of candy  or money, would be fun. Ithink they still sell those at walmart,  

  5. You don't want to do anything too little kiddish.  Maybe you could have like a "bartender" expect have things like shirley temples.  If I was 11 i would like that. Don't do anything embarrassing because you were trying to hard.  When i was 11 I just would have liked to have a good old fashion party where you play things like truth or dare. :)  I might be able to answers better if you said what your daughter liked, but I hope that helps! ;)

  6. How about Hannah Montana party stuff! I know all tweens and teens alike like her so give it a try, or find out whats her favorite cartoon character and do a themed party.If all else fails, resort to the pinata and party games like musical chairs.

  7. Since you are having a DJ....the kids are gonna wanna dance.

    Do a bubble party. is a machine that covers the yard in soap bubbles that the kids dance in.  Adults LOVE this.

    A bubble machine for dancing in the bubbles.  These are awesome and will make the party UNFORGETTABLE.

    Glow necklaces and bracelets

    Do body glitter sprays and decals for the girls

    For Games:


    Ring Toss


    Do a human ring toss.  Buy a bunch of Hula Hoops.  Each team gets an even amount of Hula Hoops.  Choose team captians.  Have the party divide into two groups.  Seperate the two teams.  Only one person stays back with their stack of Hula Hoops.

    Everyone else goes out into the yard and scatters out at least an arms length away from each other.  

    The person with the hoops has to throw the hoop around one of their team members.  Team members have to keep their arms down at their side.  They can sway and bob but cannot move their feet or their hands.

    The first team to 'Hoop' all their team members wins.

    When someone is ringed with a hoop they grab the hoop and come back with their team.  They then get to throw a hoop to try to ring another team member.  


    Serve multicolored multiflavored cupcakes.

    Serve punch with sherbert floating in it in the plastic champaigne glasses....because it is delicious...and add fun shaped ice cubes.  The ice can be very large or very small.

    Serve Nachos and Hot wings and Bar-B-Que Smokies.  These are all things that are easy and can be put in crock pots with lids to keep bugs out and keep the food hot and delicious.

  8. astrojumps are fun at any age

  9. um, lots of like party lights like that would be cute) every where. maybe a mini dance floor type thing, snack bar would be cool. a fake bar w/ non alcoholic drinks  ,maybe something like that, the # 11 cut outs.a mini red carpet would be cute , hope this helped

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