
Party Ideas??? I will be turning 17 soon and am going to have a party. Does anyone have any ideas

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I will be turning 17 soon and am going to have a party. Does anyone have any ideas of things that my friends and I can do at this party? I'm not very good at coming up with ideas on my own. Before anyone says it, my parents are going to be at the party and there is no drinking allowed.




  1. Some kids like skating rinks in this age group. Mine did

  2. In my opinion what makes a party are the people, food and music. Good music and food very important. A theme for your party makes things more intresting too.

  3. Well you could get a nice friendly game of twister going on or see if anyone would like to go out and go bowling and have a bowling party or go to a friend's house and drink [if you choose to]. So just sit back, relax, and have fun!!

    Good luck!!

  4. If you have Xbox 360 or know a place where you can rent one then Guitar Hero is a big hit with parties.

  5. Hire a DJ and buy some good dancing music.

  6. I guess as you are going to be 17... you could have like a prom night sort of.. all get dressed up in long dresses... have a bit of music going and some coold fancy food... could be a laugh! x

  7. i think you should do something with a theme that everyone would associate with you, like (you're going to laugh) but for my *30th*! birthday, my friends gave me a b-day party where everything was pink, and i mean everything, down to the chair covers.  but, the point was, because i love pink, always wear pink, etc.  another example--another friend is a HUGE Georgia Bulldog fan, she had a Ga bulldog themed party...

    i think you get the idea...

  8. I would say spin the bottle if ur parents were not home.

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