
Party Planning Tips?

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Im Having A Party Soon .. But This Is The First Ever Disco .. Only Problem Is My Mum's Got Work So I Have To Plan It And My Mum Pays .. Any Tips Or Ideas ..




  1. Its not a daunting as it seems, 1st hire a room any club or community hall will let you hire one, they will also be able to give you any information you will need for a decent DJ. The food is simple, finger food is always good so loads of handy pastries like small pies and sausage rolls are quick and easy, home made sandwiches and cakes go down well. Or you could cheat and get ready made from the store. You don't say how old you are but if you're still at school loads of pop and juice is the order of the day, and don't forget the invites for you're friends, even better get you're friends to help you organise the party. Hope this is of some help and have a great time at you're party x

  2. 1st point - don't advertise it on the Internet.. (location etc.,) OK

    3 things that make a party successful - good fun friends ,cute food and...most important of all good music.

    1) Indoor or outdoor ?

    a) If indoor plan food and drink - hopefully non-alcoholic, as you have more fun when alcohol is not involved (my  experience - non religious I may add - purely through experience - just in case you were thinking that way)

    then select a range of music to suit all tastes (important - do not select music purely on your own tastes - music is the backbone of a party)


    make simple sarnies cut into triangles, fry cocktail sausages, spike cubes of cheese then strawberries, and then another cube of cheese (I know sound weird - but it works) on a cocktail stick

    Have fun.

    2) Outdoor:

    Hang lights (fairy, lanterns etc) if you have a gazebo string the outside with lights and lanterns,

    Do you know, or are you friendly with a local band ? - maybe they would play at your party - but, if you go down this route please inform your neighbours and seek their permission as to your intent to have a party as some could be grumpy 'ol buggers.

    Create the mood you want to - I have just pointed out a few basic points through my own experience and knowledge.

    Oh - as an afterthought - try limbo dancing - works whether you are 9 or 90.

    Have fun whatever.....
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