
Party help??/?

by Guest67002  |  earlier

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Well i'm 16 and my cousin is 14. We have been planning a party just a get together with some friends. Well all of the ppl coming are between the ages of 13 to 15 besides me. I am the oldest. Well i was wondering what kind of stuff would be pretty fun to do at a party?




  1. Beer:] Keystone light for sure,:]]]]]]

  2. could you do somethign outside??  for one of my birthdays when i was turning 13 or 14 i think we took an old tarp outside in my back yard and bought some cheap bubble bath/shampoos from the dollar store and had a slip and dad bbq'd and everyone chilled in the could play music outside (obvisouly not by the water and not too loud unless you have sweet neighbours) or through a window...set up a patio table and chairs..everyone had a great time...

    if youre thinking could get some movies and some fun snacks..set up a snack table..get some chips and fruit and jello jigglers and stuff..make some fun looking drinks like some kind of slushies or non alcohlic margaritas with lil umbrellas..or get out some board games..everyone loves board games even if theyre could have 2 or 3 going at once..

    if everyone is into prizes you could set up a mini casino in your basement with board games and stuff..make up or buy some chips from the dollar store and then have a huge prize bin..some stuff from dollar store maybe some movie tickets or soemthing..a few bigs things and bunch of small candy and stuff and then each color token can be worth something and everyone gets like 10 or something at the beginning and bets and tries to win..then they can trade em in for prizes at the end.

    Hope that helped a little! Enjoy your party!!!

    You could even make a costume party or toga party if you want. It doesnt have to be halloween just to dress up!! Or have christmas in July..Everyone buys something thats wrth 5bucks or less then everything gets put into a bin and have some random number system where you each get a number or 2 or 3 then when your number i drawn you pic a present but dont open it yet..then everyones number gets called then after everyone has a present theyll have numbers left over and they can start stealing the presents fro eachother..when all the numbers have been called.. everyone opens their gifts!

  3. games

    something that gets people occupated making time fly by fast

  4. There are lots of games you can play. Do you have a theme? If so, tailor the games and activities to that.

    Something that can be fun to do is a wacky talent show. Kind of like karaoke, but provide your guests with a box full of crazy dress-up clothes, and then have them do a talent show. Or have them divide into teams and write up a script for a movie and perform it. Give them some wacky props that must be used in the plot, and a time limit. Be sure to videotape it and watch it later!

    Good luck!

  5. Dancing, karaoke, charades

  6. drink beer
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