
Party ideas for 13th b-day?

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HELP! need some fun helpful ideas comments and suggestions, turning 13 and wanna get out and have limmo. or stay at house.need help asap!




  1. could bring friends to movies or you could invite  a ton of kids over and repaint your room(play clothes needed), or you  cold hold an otdoor party bashwith candy and a fun volleyball game with pool party. you could also hold a red carpet event . or have alaid back pajama party.

  2. For my 14th party  I had a sleepover and a neighborhood scavenger hunt. What that is is your party group divides into two seperate teams and each teams has a list of common houshold items.(such as a button, washcloth, a rubber band) Then each team is assinged a different section of the neighborhood and has a certain amount of time to get their items.    After that we all tie-dyed a t-shirt and then stayed up super late!!!!

  3. go have a camping party. invite kids to a campground and tell them to bring sleeping bags. build a fire. just supply food,drinks, and some music then let them go crazy. or if it rains bring the camp party inside.

  4. Tie die party!  get tie die stuff and invite people over to tie die their white clothes, then eat cake!

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