
Party in 3 days!?!?!?

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ok. so its my birthday in 3 days and i can't decide what to do its not gunna be anything big but probably inviting some friends over. I have a pool but i always have "swimming" parties. What should i do?? I want to invite both girls and boys. we can leave the house if we want to (movies or mall) what do u think would be funn???




  1. okay you can do what i did! so i'm almost 13 and when i turned 12 i invited some friends (even number including me) and my mom set up a scavenger hunt, like we had 4 pictures and we had to name the actual thing ( find it around my town) then like some of my town history of questions my mom made up ( you could call parents) getting things like pine cones && stuff. there was 2 cars one car with my  mom and another with a firends mom and my older sister and her boyfriend were the helpers one of them in each car,and divide the teams even with boys and girls.

    but when u get back you can go swimming  and then do food && presents.

    wait for people

    pizza/ or another food

    go on the hunt


    eat like cake


    then people leave

    hope you have a great party && a very happy birthday!

  2. If your friends do not have pools, I would do the swim party. Even though you are used to your pool, if they do not have one,they will really enjoy that. I would stay away from the mall since it is a drag. Depending on which movie is playing MAYBE.   If you have not sent out invitations, maybe you could write on it to  have people bring a toy for poor children or orphans. Or if they bring you gifts ask for them to not be wrapped in order to save paper ( environmentally correct) Play charades.

  3. I think a boy/girl sort of dance party type of thing would be fun.

    And then have the girls sleep over and go skinny dipping in the middle of the night :D

  4. If you have the swimming party make it a theme where ppl dress up.  Yep, I'll ask the same question, "how old"?

    You could have each person bring a food dish - pot lucks are always easy and fun.

  5. How old???????????
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