
Party of love and tolerance?

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I do not support Obama for many reasons his Arab, white and tiny bit of black heritage none of them. However since he is now the first black candidate (Could have chosen much better) where is the tolerance democrats preach all the time? I can recite Obama's voting record, tax tax and tax plan, and have issues with bigger government which he promises from his own mouth without question. I How is it that all the libs I run into scream yes scream slurs mainly just that I am racist where is the equation? Where is the tolerance for those that do not think as they do? Can any of you Liberals justify the outrageous actions taken by not a few but many of your party? Without further insult? Can you justify bigger government? Can you justify calling this guy African American when he is actually closer to Arab-American? or White? Is this just so you can claim racism when the least qualified candidate ever to run for president loses? Or when America will not elect a socialist? Is this your Guilt free card, by saying that I voted for a "black-man" even if his policies are B.S.? Please help me understand this INTOLERANCE.

This question is posed after my third "run in" with people because I had NOBAMA stickers made and proudly display them. And now it is 2 white people and one black woman three separate occasions and the word racist was used everytime. I look mid eastern/latin so where does this come from?




  1. Libs are only tolerant if you share their view's.  If you don't then you are sub-human and must be destroyed.  Look at the RNC, what a bunch of liberal n**i's. Going around tearing up the city while everyone else is watching the hurricane and praying it doesn't turn into another Katrina.  What do they care, we are the ones who are going to clean up after their little temper tantrum!!!!  I guarantee they would never volunteer to help anyone, be it New Orleans, or Iraq!!! What a bunch of hypocrites

  2. The Democratic party is NOT the party of love and tolerance, no matter how many times they claim to be, their actions do not show it!

  3. Hey dummy! how can you justify the last eight years of failed policy!

  4. First of all tolerance has not worked nor obviously facts. Presently you have the largest Government ever. The taxes Obama proposes to raise are on only the top 5 percent. Do some research.

      Then you do not "MAKE" 250,000. If your buisness needs to "MAKE" alot more than 250,000 to stay a float then your gross profit would be reduced by your expenditure's giving you a net profit well under 250,000 which would not be subject to a tax increase. It sounds like your small buisness problems are accounting. Not taxes. Take some economic classes. You do not pay on gross income. Have you heard of deductions.

  5. Look at how the party of tolerance and compassion is treating Palins daughter. The hypocrisy of the Liberals is unbelievable.  

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