
Passed over for job promotion. Please advise!?

by Guest58985  |  earlier

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I was interviewed for a position and did a great job on the interview. However, my coworker with less work experience and education was selected for the supervisor position. I just want to know what other areas are considered when selecting a candidate. I received a letter stating that I was qualified, but not chosen at this time. How can they chose an underqualified over qualified. I am about to obtain my Masters degree, so I assume that HR perhaps thinks that I will leave or go on to higher positions with this advanced degree. Your thoughts and ideas on overqualification. How do I also work with the new sup, who has always talked about my higher education and experience and that fact that I am the senior in our department out of insecurity.




  1. Simply put, ask them!  Be very respectful when you ask, but ask them why you were not selected.  Start with HR, they probably won't know, but then ask the supervisor you interviewed.  Ask if you could improve on something so that when the next position comes open you will be more favorably considered.  

    Now, if they give you a list of skill sets they were looking for, you know what you need to improve on.  If you are correct and the supervisor feels uncomfortable around you, you may never hear the truth.

  2. The fact that you are planning to go on to school can make employers hesitate before hiring/promoting you.  After all, you're putting your effort and time into something very demanding so they think, 'Well, how long will she stay here if she's already planning on moving up' or 'She'll be too distracted by school.'

    It can just be personality.  I was hired over another person who was way more qualified for the position but they liked my personality better.  

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