My 6 year old is LD, fine and gross motors skill and emotional delays. All testing indicates he is in an average to highly superior range. He is the hardest worker in the class and is trying his very best but his academicis are about 6 months to a year behind. He has recently had an IEP put in place and we have seen some improvement.
His first grade teacher thinks he will not be ready for 2 nd grade and would like to rentain him. The school adminstration is TOTALY aginst retention. As a parent, I am mixed. I think it would a good educationaly to retain but damaging emotionaly (he tried so hard but failed).
Maybe at the end of 2nd grade, after given the tools to catch up to grade level we could evaluate. If retention or another school is needed we would have time to mentaly prepair him. It is what my parents did for me (3rd grade).
Any advice from someone with more experience?