
Passing Period Etiquette?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm going back to high school, and there was something I've been wondering about.

For some reason, although I'm really comfortable in class (I usually try to keep everyone laughing when possible) I'm not quite sure how to act in the passing periods in between them.

Everyone's walking off to go to their next class, but what should you do if you see someone you know? With my buddies I guess it doesn't really matter, but what about with girls you're interested in? I mean, I don't want to seem rude by walking by and giving the cold shoulder, but I don't want to be annoying either.




  1. Chat to them, I remember when I was at school and the guys that said hi when they weren't after anything were sweethearts!  Still are actually.

  2. Smile, say hey, and keep walking.  You act cool, but not desperate.

  3. I suggest doing the quick "Hi, how are you?" in passing because they don't give you enough time to get from one class to another.  I have had classes where I had to go from one end of the building to the other.  As for girls, if you don't have time to talk to the girl, don't.  Talk to girls during after-school events.  Football games are great social places to hang out.

  4. smile

  5. You don't have to stop and have a huge chat with them or anything.

    Just make eye contact and smile.

    That's a good sign of acknowledgement with out being too in their faces.

    You could also just be like "Hey, what's up?" or something as you pass.

    Just awknowedge them in a nice way, pretty much.

  6. wave and say "hey"

    or hi

    or smile

    people will understand you have a class to get to, so it's okay if you don't stop and talk

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