
Passing a urine sample?

by  |  earlier

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I have a drug test coming up in a little over a week and I want to make shure I pass it. I was a heavy user of pot for 2 years and smoked a lot almost everyday. By the time the test comes I would have been clean for little over 2 weeks were I have exercised daily and ate right. Should I purchase a Detox to pass the test or should I be alright if I drink a lot of water few days prior




  1. i hate to tell you bub but those detox things don't work. if you were a heavy user and only quit 3 weeks before the test you could be up the creek.  that's not to say you will be some people process it faster than others but it could actually stay in you system for up to 90 days for regular users.  but i have know people who lika the ganga and stopped around the same time and passed so buck up it does happen.  if that doesn't help you could pull the old" well i was on a trip to the netherlands and i went into a coffee shop in amsterdam and boy you'll never guess what i saw..."

  2. Drink lots of water i mean gallons of it! Then drink some cranberry juice lots of it! Don't drink no soda! And just to be safe go to your local GNC store if you have one and buy the drink called GHF it's like $30 bucks or something, you will be good for up to 6 hours, hope this helps because it worked for me:)

  3. as long as it is a urine sample you will be fine if it was a hair sample you would be screwed. thc has a short half life allthough i do recomend you stay off the drugs for good. If you use a detox kit you risk having it detected in your urine stream by who ever is running the test if your urine has to much water they may require a restest.

  4. no, you should just stop smoking weed.

  5. Hellooooo -- you can pass a drug test with flying colors if you're drug free!!  That's the reason for the test!  Leave the stuff alone!

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