
Passing an insurance exam....?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone recently took an insurance exam, i have taken it twice and cannot pass it :-( HELP!




  1. Maybe insurance isn't for you.  Maybe the third time will be a charm.  All state exams are very difficult.  That's the idea, to see if you are capable of learning a complicated business.  I assume you have a long list of questions that are typical test questions.  Keep reviewing them untill you can answer them right.  If you don't have the cram course, get one.  I would also have a chat with the school you went to.

  2. What kind of insurance exam?  P&C?  Life, Broker, Health?  State specific?  A CPCU course?

  3. Everyone is different, I'm a CIP (Certified Insurance Practitioner) and got my exams without much difficulty. Another girl I worked with at the time tried the very first exam twice and failed it and it was multiple choice! She was still able to do her job but just wasn't an exam person. If you are satisfied that you have put the study in then perhaps as that other guy said, insurance is not for you, maybe you find it hard to put your answers into writing or something but if you simply didn't prepare enough for it, well you know what you need to do then. Best of luck xx

  4. Just passed the CA fire and casualty exam and got my license.  STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!  I was the first one out of the testing area and passed.

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