
Passing on doulble yellow lines in ohio law?

by  |  earlier

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When I was traveling on the road, there were double lines on the road. The garbage truck was going approx. 10 m.p.h. in front of me . I am driving and have about 1,400 lbs. of feed on my pick-up truck. Then the trash truck drove his right side wheels off to the right side of the road on the road with his yellow caution flashers on. So I checked for any oncoming traffic - all was clear - and I turned on my left signal and proceeded to pass about 35 m.p.h. There were double yellow lines but I could see far enough ahead to see that all was clear. Then the trash truck turned left in my passing path without using his turn signals - shoving my pick-up truck through a fence on someone's property on left side of the road. My truck was totaled. My right side of pick-up truck front wheel snapped off and broken off. I have witness that lives close by and saw the accident and he said that trash truck did not turn on his turn signals. I was charged with "improper passing" . Who's fault?




  1. legally you passed on  double yellow which is not allowed, so you're at fault.

    i feel sorry about your truck.

  2. Yours, Unfortunately...

    double yellow is a big no-no for passing a moving vehicle, you could have been cited even without the accident...

    pay closer attention to what the garbage truck is doing next time...and wait for it to stop completely before trying to overtake...

  3. The dble yellow is considered a median and also a no cross or a non crossable area in all states.  Most times you see the dble yellow when you are going around a blind corner on the hiway or when you are going up a hill that is close and you can not see if there is a vehichle coming towards you.  They are also being used as medians in town.  In your case you will not win because you tried to pass in a dble yellow and teh traffic law considers this a no pass zone even if the other driver did not signal his intent.  If there was a witness he is going to prove that you tried to pass in a no pass zone and just hurt your case.  More than likely you will have to take the people that own the truck to court for operating at a unsafe speed or not yeilding to trafic(which garbage trucks seem to do a lot of)  but even this may not work to recupe the losses you have sustaned.  And as far as the ticket you will probably just have to take it.

  4. You are at fault.........

  5. No matter if the truck has his signal light flashing or not.  The law states that double yellow lines means not to pass, no matter if he pulled to the far right or not.  You are not to cross that double line at all!!  If it was one line and the broken dashes you might've had a chance.  That depends on what side the broken dashes were on. Double yellows are absolutely no pass at all!!

  6. It's like this...had there been no accident and a cop had seen you pass after the truck stopped chances are the cop would have not bothered you. I say that because I've done exactly as you described with a cop behind me but there was no accident. Once you and the truck collided then it became cut and dried for the cop that came to take care of it. I know it's not the answer you want but it's the way it is....sorry about your luck.

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