
Passing out/breathing problems during pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 7 months pregnant and I can't stop getting the feeling that I'm kind of suffocating or not getting enough air. I know that that's normal, but sometimes when I move around I feel like I'm going to pass out. Today I walked about a block and half of it was uphill, and the whole time I felt horrible. By the end of it my vision got very cloudy, and when I sat down my hearing was kind of weird and I started to see weird little sparks for a minute. I'm fine now, but I'm just wondering what could be causing this. Am I maybe just dehydrated or something? I get about 9 or 10 hours of sleep each night and I eat enough and eat healthy...

Also, my pregnancy isn't high risk at all, everything's perfect every time I go to the doctor's.




  1. I get this too, but that's because I have a heart palpitation and arrhythmia.. but not saying you have it at all, no need to worry! Just ask the doctor, he may do an ECG/EKG on you but it's probably just that you may have over exerted yourself. See the doctor, and all will be fine! Best wishes!

  2. I'm not even 6 months yet and I'm already getting that.  I have a dr apt on friday and am going to mention it to him.  It was to the point yesterday while I was walking (half a block) and I was so dizzy that I couldn't straighten my path until I stopped took a breather and started on my way again.  I dont remember feeling like that with my first, but I carried her much lower and she popped out more.  Where with this one, he is growing high and up, rather than out.

    Just remember to listen to your body. If you feel the least bit faint, have a sit until you feel better.  You don't want to risk taking a tumble.

    All the best and good luck!

  3. You should get your blood pressure and blood sugar checked. It sounds like it could be one of those. You should also let your doctor know this is happening.  

  4. Hey-

      I have the same issue.  I think its due to low blood pressure.  If I don't sit up straight or lay back, I can't get enough air at all.  

    I can't even walk that far without getting a braxton hicks within seconds.  You're not alone... Its an awful feeling (i'm seven months too) and I know its only going to get worse.  

  5. I have had the same symptoms during my first 2 pregnancies. I am anemic so my anemia causes me to get lightheaded and dizzy when I am bigger and further along. I can't stand up for long periods of time or else I will faint. It can also be that your baby is pushing against your lungs and other organs/nerves/veins or arteries that can cut off blood supply to your brain or blood circulation when standing or walking. Being dehydrated can definately be part of it too. I always had a water bottle with ice. It does help out a lot! Good luck and congrats!

  6. wow i would say it is the baby growing and applying more pressure but you should go see a doctor to get a blood pressure and blood sugar checked ok thats what i would do

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