
Passing the background check...?

by  |  earlier

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I've bought several long guns over the past year and have never had a problem with the check. I bought a handgun recently and I have been delayed? Are these 2 checks different from one another?




  1. I have a friend who was in the same boat so to speak. No problem purchasing long guns but he tried to buy a handgun and was delayed then denied. Turned out there was an outstanding warrant from almost 30 years ago when he was in college for unpaid parking tickets in his college town in another state. It took him 4 months and almost $800 to hire a lawyer and get it cleared up. Once the paperwork from that was submitted he was cleared for handgun purchases.

  2. probably not, however, handguns have a waiting period in most states.  

  3. delayed doesn't mean anything bad.  Its usually means that there weren't enough phone operators to answer all the incoming checks.  you will be fine.  Don't sweat it.  I have been delayed before.  Just call or go back to the gun store.  And have them run it again.

  4. I've never been delayed before, but I am prior military (honorably discharged) and have a C&R License.

  5. No, there are just a lot of potential glitches in a system and its operators are not rabid about smoothing them out.

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