
Passion vs. Reason?

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Are you more likely to follow your passions or reason? Are you able to balance the two, or does one rule your actions to a higher degree?

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  1. I tend to use my passion to boost the power of my reasoning. So in my case, they are intertwined with each other.

  2. Largely reason, although sometimes my reason tells me to follow my passion because in that direction may lie happiness.

  3. I follow both!  It is in the ensuing tension, wracked as if by a typhoon and an earthquake all at once, that life is best seen as it is.

  4. William Blake said something like this, "It is good when you are in a passion but not when a passion is in you." Nothing of consequence would get done if it wasn't for our passions; that said, discipline, direction, and reason are absolutely essential in order to benefit from our "burning passions."

  5. I would like to say reason, but...I think it is both.  I can justify any passion I have with reason and logic...but at root, it's really emotions that cause me to do anything.

  6. Passion With out a doubt rules me...  I act a lot without thinking things through.. Then worry about my action after...

  7. After years of study and work, I have the two perfectly intergrated. They are never in conflict. You could argue, then, that I always follow both.

  8. passion and emotions happen with no effort.  Reasoning requires practice and is like an art form.  One devolves us into animals the other evolves us into gods.

  9. Usually reason, but if you mean by passion, emotions and feeling rather than raw energy, then

    "the heart has its reasons which reason knows not of"

  10. for most of my life i have follow the reasoning , but of course in a time of your life at least once you follow passion. i would say i have no problem balancing both, but most of the time or perhaps all the time i use reason.
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