
Passionflower, kava kava, and valerian root...?

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i'm in the process of quitting smoking (whoo hoo, FUN), and really don't like the whole NRT thing, i think its kind of dumb to be giving myself nicotine when i'm trying to come OFF of the stuff. i've been thinking about trying either passionflower, kava kava, or valerian root, or a combination of those to help ease my anxiety, irritability, and tension, as well as for a sense of mild euphoria (to release dopamine so the cravings wont kick my butt), but would like to know if anyone else has any experience with taking any of these. i've heard that lobellia is great for quitting smoking, but can't seem to find that anywhere...




  1. Just snort Zoloft.

    I quit cold turkey.   (half kidding)

    I think them herbs would make you tired as heck.

  2. cinnamon is supposed to make you not want the niccoteen..I'd add it to the teas you make

  3. Those herbs require some supervision when being used. Kava kava can cause fatal liver damaged if not used properly. Please consult a naturopathic doctor in your area.

  4. Herbally...Kava in light doses but not often. Kava can have an accumulative effect making you more drowsy the longer it's used.

    Valerian Rt and Passionflower...try it. I use it more as a sleep aid but they won't knock you out. But Valerian can have strong effects on people. (There are a very select few that actually get wired from it.) Maybe start with more passionflower then valerian.

    Personally, I'd try skullcap. It's what I go to when I'm feeling overwhelmed and doing too much which can create anxiety.

    Your stress is going to increase and you may want to think about taking an adaptogen herb. They assist you body in various ways to help you deal with stress, physically and mentally. I suggest looking into taking Reishi mushroom capsules. The company New Chapter makes good quality mushroom products. (of course, don't take it if you are allergic to mushrooms)

    and a side note...

    Eat Sunflower seeds. My Dad did this years ago when he was quitting and it helped a lot. Not sure why but here's a blurb about it.

    "Eat sunflower seeds - I have never seen any hard studies on this, but it is believed that sunflower seeds have a similar effect on the nervous system as nicotine. Supposedly, there is a chemical in the brain that triggers your body to act on its need for a cigarette. This enzyme or chemical is in some way relaxed by a substance in sunflower seeds.  Many people used these seeds as an aid to help quit. If nothing else, it will help replace the oral craving associated with smoking while keeping your hands busy if you are getting a bit fidgety."

    Or maybe it's the act of de-shelling the seeds that keeps your mouth and hands preoccupied..not really sure.

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