
Passport for my American son born in Spain?

by  |  earlier

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I am an American citizen and my husband is Italian/Uruguayan. We moved to Spain less than a year ago and my son was born here in Valencia. I went to the consular office here and sent away for his passport, social security #, and report of birth abroad (birth certificate equivilent). It's been four weeks and still nothing has come in the mail. We gave them a self-addressed stamped envelope that they requested so thats not the problem. I just wanted to know if anyone has had the same situation (well similar situation) and how long it takes to get his passport. I want to leave to the states ASAP, so thats why I'm concerned. Thank you :)




  1. since you register and did all the papers for his passport , and do remember that it is high season for passport application ;it could take up from  10 or 12 weeks .

  2. It may indeed take a couple more weeks. Consulates don't move very fast unfortunately.

  3. I just went through the process 3 days ago here in the Philippines and was told it takes 6 to 8 weeks to get the birth abroad birth certificate and passport. If your going back to the states without the father make sure you get a signed consent allowing you to go abroad with the child. Best wishes on your travel

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