
Passport <span title="questions...................?">questions...................</span>

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if i travel to dublin, when i arrive who do i show my passport to? and do they ask questions? is there a reason why i'd be denied entry (i have no criminal history or anything like that)?




  1. Don&#039;t worry it will be clearly marked out you will have no choice but to go through Customs.  This is where/when you show your passport.  They may ask why you are there (business or pleasure) and if you have anything to declare.  I can&#039;t think of a reason you would be denied entry unless you say something incredibly stupid if/when they ask if you have anything to declare. I hope you love the scenery as much as I did.  Safe trip!

  2. There&#039;s a passport control on the way to the baggage reclaim, you&#039;ll be directed.

  3. There are two distinct checks at Dublin airport. The first one is the Irish Immigration Police, who will check your passport. They will then stamp it with the entry date and an exit date which is 90 days for a visitor, from outside of the European Union.  EU citizens are not stamped and can stay as long as they like.

    You will have to fill in a visitors card on the plane, giving details of your visit, stating how long you intend staying and where you will be staying, and what is the reason for your visit.The immigration police take that and put it on file.

    You then proceed to baggage reclaim and on exiting there are 3  channels, one Blue channel for EU citizens and a Green for &quot; nothing to declare &quot; and a RED channel if you are declaring something. There are customs officers there who randomly stop and search passengers, looking for drugs etc.

    It&#039;s all quite simple, and nothing to be scared about.

    Enjoy your visit.

  4. The customs agent will need to see your passport as you go through customs.  people are selected randomly for more thorough checking of bags and they may ask you a few questions.  You should have no problems.

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