
Past Abortion Records?

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My neighbor recently lost a daughter due to drugs. While going through some of her personal belongings, she came across some paperwork that leads her to believe her daughter had an abortion about 15-20 years ago. She says she can't rest until she knows if her daughter had an abortion or not. She wanted me to ask how you might find out or if any records are kept that would indicate such. I have a feeling that records are not kept, but she is hurting and I just want to help. She never became a grandmother, so this is like two losses to her.




  1. Wow sorry to hear that but I think even tough there papers out there she wont be able to get them if she wasnt a miner when she got the abortion but why not sit down with her daughter and talk to her about maybe there was a reason why she didnt  

  2. There are no records kept by any agency, nor should there be.  And a good doctor isn't going to give her that information anyway, ever hear of HIPAA?

  3. The clinic she got the abortion at probably has the records, but those are private medical records, and I highly doubt they would release that to anyone.  Maybe to the mother, but I suggest you advise her against it.  Her daughter deserves her privacy, even after her death.

  4. I would hope there are no records and even if there were, they would not give them to your neighbour as they are private.

  5. if her daughter didnt tell her, then she didnt want her to know, i doubt she would want her to know now.

  6. i don't know anything about abortion records, but your friend needs to let this thing go.  Absolutely nothing good can come out of finding out that she did have an abortion.  I'm sorry for your friend's loss, that is so hard.  However, leave the past in the past.  We are better off not digging around in there.

  7. Because of all privacy practices now..which is called HIPPA I doubt if you would be able to find that out. Im sorry.

  8. even if the records were still on file they are sealed.. she couldn't get that info.. medical offices are only required to keep records for 7 years

  9. Medical records are confidential.
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