
Past life regression. Is it possible to have lived another time period?

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Do you have the unconsious chance to do things over? How do you find out if you have lived in another time, place & what gender were you at that time?

Is there gender switching?

What are some of your experiences & how did you find out who you were & how & why you died?




  1. Has absoulutely nothing to do with religion.

    At this point however, we do not have the means to time travel.  However sometime in the future, some think it might be possible.   This would be the only way.

    Now, there is no evidence to suggest, that you lived in another time, and then have been magically zapped into another time period.  So there is no reason to even believe that this happens.

    Some people just have dreams that they mistake for some kind of past life experience.  But again no evidence that this is nothing more than a dream.

  2. Here is the way it is.  You came from a spirit existence to come to earth.  You are here now with a body.  You are here to see if you will be good or bad.  Just as though you are on camera 24/7.  Your were always the same gender before, now and after this life.  After you leave the Earth you will regain your body, only better to live for a much longer period of time with all of the knowledge you learned on

    Earth.   So be good and learn a lot of neat things.  That's the only thing you will be able to take with you.

  3. Think about it this way:

       We're put here to accomplish something.  It may not be done the first life so we come back.  It's only when our task has been completed that we are allowed to the other side of eternity.  Gender is something I couldn't answer.

  4. no you only live one life on this earth.

  5. The best scientific research on this to date was done by Dr. Ian Stevenson. His work is being continued at the University of Virginia Medical School. I have included a link for you below. Dr. Stevenson himself admitted his evidence was at best suggestive of reincarnation but he personally believed it to be the case based on his research.

    First, yes there appears to be gender switching.

    Second, in Dr. Stevenson's work it was children that would know and talk about there past lives often with great accuracy describing people and events they had no way of knowing. However, at a very young age (6-7?) this knowledge would fade away. Dr. Stevenson believed that adults had to much time to learn and know things and thus such reports were harder to accept as evidence.

    There is past life regression hypnosis but this is extremely suspect as that you are open to suggestion under hypnosis and people tend to fill in information when asked. However, you could visit a past life regression therapist or buy the book "Mirrors of Time" by Dr. Brian Weiss that includes a CD to do your own regression.

    There is also a book by Ted Andrews called "How to Uncover Your Past Lives"

    I would be  cautious and not take any of the information from these sources as the perfect truth. However, it is interesting to explore.

    Please let me know if you explore this and what you find.

  6. Personally, I don't believe that it is probaldy because  i am Christian and believe i will go to heaven after die.

  7. Doesn't look like it.  There have been plenty of people claiming it, but it turns out all their claims fall through.  No one has had a good case of it.  Past life regression is definitely bullshit.  Funny how you can remember being Marie Antoinnette but you can't speak French - you just have a crappy French accent.  I'm pretty sure she could speak French.

    No, I don't believe in an afterlife.  I'd be happy to find out I was wrong, but since there's no evidence for one, I'm not going to hold my breath.

  8. Strictly speaking, anything is possible.  A more accurate question might be, "Is it probable?"  Since there is no evidence supporting the idea of past life regression and because there is no reason beyond fanciful, wishful thinking that such a thing exists, it doesn't seem likely that such a thing is possible.

    Past live regression is a direct result of how a hypnotized person and the "guide" interact.  There is no reason to believe that a person has had past lives.  If he had, there is no reason to believe he is able to "remember" any of them.

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