
Past lives, reincarnation.. how to figure out who you were in your past life?

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Probably it sounds like a vague or ridiculous question for some of you. However, it is sad that if you find out who you were in your ''previous life'', you would know how to break a chain or infinite circle where you're repeating your mistakes over and over.

Please, answer me without laughs but with at least some tolerance and respect.




  1. read "Many lives, Many masters" by Brian Weiss.  it explains how people with phobias died in a previous existence and it carried over into their present life.  age regression hypnosis can help.

  2. I don't believe in reincarnation yet. I still think that it might be spirits who lived and died and are putting these thoughts into these people's head...almost possessing them. This is not a FIRM belief of mine...but it makes more sense to me...especially since I probably keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over. Whatever happened to "forgiveness"??

    EDIT...To me....being hypnotized  is similar to being drunk. I think there's a reason they call liquor "spirits". If you've ever gotten drunk...or even "relaxed"...did you notice how you would do and say things that "weren't like you"? I don't mean you'd be "possessed"...but maybe "influenced". they call it ..being under the "influence" of alcohol. Maybe you're under the "influence" of spirits. I think it's the same way with hypnosis. I think when you get relaxed enough..and off your guard..that spirits can speak to you and even make you think it's yourself. I believe they can put their "feelings" into you too..and you think it's yourself. Just like when you're really don't have control over what you dream. So, maybe spirits are controlling your dreams...because you're not aware and alert enough to control them. I know a  lot of you don't agree with's just a theory...for you to "consider".

  3. Firstly, this idea is not universal, the way some myths appear in every spiritualistic belief all over the globe. It is imported from Hinduism and later, Buddhism, it is a convenient idea sometimes but it does not have any other proof other than faith and adhering to a specific dogmatic set of axioms (truths accepted as such without need to be demonstrated).

    At some point, I came across a few rather sophisticated different calculating systems which pointed out, all, indeed, the same result: I was a shoemaker in China in the early 17th century.

    Needless to say I wasn't flattered - most of those who claim they remember their previous lives say they were Cleopatra, Napoleon and other characters on this theme; someone important, I mean.

    The Christo-Islamo-Judaic traditions, the majoritarian ones, say the spirit has one single chance; after death, we all await the Divine Judgment. No reincarnation. The Egyptians believed something similar and so did most of the other nations in the old days.

    A not so recent conclusion of the modern hypnotists agree that, under hypnosis, a person becomes highly cooperative and, if asked, they'll make up any amazing story, in a great variety of details.

    It is up to you, after all.

    Living a decent life following the contemporary moral laws should be, however, enough for everybody.

  4. You ask this question presuming we have had past lives.  I disagree with this assumption.

  5. I remembered some as a kid and as I grow older more comes back to me.  I do know what my mistakes were, I am still sometimes too trusting, I still have the same insecurities, but I realize that it is who I am.  Thru many lives I have learned not only lessons, but also to accept who I am but also that there are somethings I can't change no matter how hard I might try.  I have also had to learn not to be as selfish and demending as I once was, and find more joy in giving and not recieving recognition for it .  Also interferance i what I'm not suppose to meddle in.

    I read somewhere in 12 lives you accomplish the highest level.  I remember fully a total of 7 and parts of others.  In a few I didn't live too long and in one I committed suicide.  This is my last life, but if given the opportunity I may return once more if I am allowed to be with my husband.  He has to repeat one more life.

  6. The Bible says:  It is appointed unto man OnCe to die, and after this, the judgement.

  7. Hello Yin Yin

    Past lives can be experienced via hypnosis & meditation. Both are very affective.


  8. I saw a show on the discovery channel about a man that went and got hypnotized and he started having visions and some of the things he said when he was under led him to believe he was some one else in another life and he tracked down the evidence and found a picture of this person and they looked almost exactly like him.

  9. Past Life Regression/ Hypnotherapy by a qualified Hypnotherapist is the safest way to discover your past lives....Deep meditations like Yoga Nidra can help aswell....

  10. YinYin, Reincarnation has a very important quality, it's manner in which souls reach completion, its a avenue of evolving development of the Soul/Being of Light principle and it encompasses many things. It is important to understand Soul reality and the cosmology of your being if you would understand reincarnation as it is. Because from one standpoint you have never lived before, and the fundamentalist is right but at the same time is wrong from their very limited perspective. While you have not lived before as an essence of the soul expressed within the lower voids of your being/consciousness, still your Higher Soul Self has expressed other essences before you. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the "Soul" is in the body, but it is not. What we are is an embryonic essence of the Soul which indwells on a higher realm of consciousness and we are like breath cycle, a cosmic breath cycle of our Soul. We are not stuck in reincarnation as if it is a bad thing, but rather this is how experiential knowledge, expansion, and harmonious being is achieved. The objective is to become perfect, to completely know thy self, and become One without the Fullness by becoming fullness ourselves. This is the expression within the womb until the totality of our being forms us into a constituted whole in the image and likeness of that which is our source. So there is birth pangs towards this endeavor. To grow the Light and capacity of our higher self. And this is a very limited explanation because there is so much more to this.

    Seeing a past life is fine, however they are completely different lives from you, and are not you from one perspective. They remain alive within the higher self, insomuch that their experience is useful.  In fact if you gain the greater capacity for it, you can even interact with these different lives within the reality of your soul, in fact even when you in a subtle manner recognize a past life as in watch its experiences you are moving into their space, the time they lived in, as time is only a dimension of mind/consciousness. I would say regression is good. However there is something you MUST understand, there is no value in seeing a past life if it has no applicable value in the life that you are living now. If it can't be used or made use out of to help you towards a significant goal as you live and breath, then it is useless to even see it. What matters is how you live now, and what you are willing to live up to in regards your knowledge and level or understanding of Truth. Achieving something is far greater than musing on what may have been. One must live their life as if it is their last seeking to become real, because from one perspective this is true, you only live one life and you are not your higher soul self, but only an expression that can not live apart from it so there is an inter-connection.

    And to Mirko, you have to understand that religions we have today are VERY corrupted, at some point they all held transmigration of Souls. You would be wrong about Christianity and Judaism, completely wrong. It has been noted by historians (Pharisees even held reincarnation), its in their scriptures, and in jewish Mysticism (just go read the Zohar), that they believed in Transmigration of Souls, of course they would not call it a hindu name. Christianity, well that spring up from the Essene and the Essene can be said to hold such a doctrine, also the first followers of Yeshua in Jerusalem held it, The Gnostics held reincarnation, the Nazirene/Ebionites did. Origen the Church Father who was known as the greatest of all Early Church Fathers held it, Clement did, and many others... and when it comes to the Greek philosophers Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras and many others as well. Did you know that the Emperor Justinian with influence from his wife Theodora brought a ban on the concept of the pre-existent soul that evolves over a course of lifetimes? Something that a social power should not even have there hands in, banning a well held and banning Origen  the most respected Early Church Father because he taught what the Church held before it was corrupted and compromised in the 325 A.D. Nicea assembly?  So you can't make generalizations as you have, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of reincarnation. Should I mention Pagans or indigenous beliefs, whom all overwhelming believed in reincarnation? Why is it a universal law or truth? It is the only thing that fits with consciousness and the manner in which the universe is, everything is cyclic and all polarities invoke or are forced to initiate its opposite as this is a law of balance. It would be greatly flawed to think that reincarnation only existed in Hinduism and Buddhism doesn't believe in reincarnation when it is convenient, they take the same stand that I do on reincarnation, at least one sect. Reincarnation overall unless you are going to bring the experiential knowledge in the present and utilize it towards the objective of this life, really isn't necessary to know. You are referring to glamor people who are of a New Age way where they are more taken by worldly mundane recognition of their culture and know nothing about soul reality. You can't compare these people to ones who dwell in Gnosis and are seeking a ideal apart from the mindset, thinking, and ways of this world. Glamor is not my thing, nor is it would I am after. Who cares about famous people? From a Soul perspective most worldly successes are the biggest failures from a soul perspective. There is more gain out of a life lived in suffering and being poor, but sought to achieve and make a turn from such environments and against all odds triumph. And you would understand why this is true if you know the cosmology of your being, the spectrum of your consciousness. Those who are of the world will return to the world, since what mostly defines them is not the essence which comes from the soul, but rather a counterfeit which is of this world, and all things return its source.

  11. The best work done on reincarnation was done by Ian Stevenson (now deceased) at the University of Virginia (link below) where his work is continued. Stevenson himself admitted that his evidence was not conclusive but called it suggestive and he personally believed reincarnation to be true. His work focused on young children that spoke of past lives without prompting and seemingly knew things they could not know by normal means. This work certainly has critics but even the late skeptic (and revered scientist) Carl Sagan acknowledged Stevenson work as careful and well researched. This appears in the book "Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan.

    The situation becomes more of a problem with adults. You have been exposed to languages, cultures, and history (more so than say a 5 year old child) and one can easily call upon this information.

    OK, how to do it. One way is through hypnosis via past life regression. In hypnosis a person is highly suggestive and one should have the session tape recorded to make sure the hypnotist is not prompting specific memories. However, even without specific prompts when one is asked to describe clothes or go back to a certain time one is likely to do this even if one has to make it up (create a memory) in order to do so.

    This type of hypnosis has shown evidence of helping people to overcome phobias ( Freud believed it is more important to work through it than whether or not it is true). However, as evidence of past lives (or past childhood or sexual abuse) it is next to worthless testimony/evidence.

    There is also a book by Ted Andrews called "How To Uncover Your Past Lives" that does this without hypnosis but the problem of suggestion (you looking to come up with answers) is still present.

    There is also a book by Brian Weiss (link below) called:

    "Mirrors of Time" that includes a CD for regression.

    Again as evidence for reincarnation or past lives all of these (except Stevenson's work) is at best questionable and possibly worthless.

  12. I have always been -- sometimes walking -- sometimes sleeping.

  13. I have had some luck with this topic through meditation.... I like to switch it up a I have used the following meditational techniques: toning work (opening the third eye chakra and crown)....auric meditation...including color/chakra work.....breathing exersizes focusing on chi/prana....

    I haven't considered my former incarnations sad...per se....some seem to have had an interesting demise....drowning....clan war/skirmish....and alone under an outcropping (sioux shaman)

  14. I understand what you are saying. well it could be that you are not making mistakes you lived and died. that is what has happened. i dont' think you can go back in time and redo what was done. i think each time you are entered in life you are someone else and that sometimes our conscience does not tell us we've been here before cause there are very few that can deal with it. you can see how it would upset people. i know that some have done this and i know they can tell exactly what its like then and has pictures of it. well i do belive of this and in fact i like to listen to john edwards hes very interesting physic you need to listen to him and hes on alot of the tv times at nite. take care.

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