
Past the Point of no Return

by Guest66552  |  earlier

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Easy 2 points: I'm just asking for opinions. no ridiculous answers. I have already discussed this with others but we just want to see what the public thinks.

if a person is "PAST the point of no return," wouldn't that enable them to return? because, i mean, think ab it. starting @ this pt >........................< that is the area of 'no return,' so wen they pass that last point, hence PAST the point of no return, you are now beyond the area in which you could not return. having passed that area, you are now able to return, right? does that make sense? i don't know if i said it right & if you're AT the point of no return, all u need to do is take an extra step, then you'll be past it, right?

yes, I know i over analyze but that's the joy in messing up productions and what they intend




  1. You can&#039;t turn around and go back because you would, once again, arrive at that point. What you can do is keep going until you have circumnavigated and arrived back at the side from which you started.

    At least that&#039;s my theory.

  2. A person living in Now is always traveling from the point A to B in every moment. He is crossing from the point of no return to the point of Now in every moment.

  3. Once a person has crossed the point of no return he will be instantly incinerated by the guards out there when he attempts to return.

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