
Patch of red bumps on upper arm...?

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The other day I woke up and noticed I had a small patch of red bumps on my upper arm (near the armpit). As far as I can see, this is the only place they are. I don't have a fever and I'm still just as hungry as ever. In fact, I feel fine except for the burning sensation in that one area on my arm. The bumps are fairly small like pimples and reddish brown in color. The skin around the bumps is a light pink (which I am assuming is inflammation) and it doesn't seem to be growing with the exception of one or two spots nearby which seem to be getting a little sore. What could this be?




  1. Skin bumps: Bumps or lumps on the skin. See free access online books about Skin bumps below. See detailed information below for a list of 140 causes of Skin bumps, including diseases and drug side effect causes.

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