
Patents????When are we as Americans going to find out what the top 3 auto makers are doing with fuel eff.?

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In our cars.....I know that they are buying them when they come up with a great idea for a car to run more efficeintly. they have to know how, Why can't we get it from them? I know you guys might say it's money but they are already RICH to the 9th generation down in their family. It's time for the PUBLIC to stand up to this nonsense and reveal the patents.

We got to start breaking down some walls here.




  1. The reason that the auto makers are not doing anything to make cars more efficient and last longer is that they would work themselves out of a job to create cars that didn't need gasoline or repairs.

    it IS totally about the money and rich people never have enough.

  2. The top auto maker today is Toyota, a Japanese firm, and they sell hybrid cars like crazy.

    US car producers could keep American cars big, inefficient gas guzzling monsters if they did not face competition from producers overseas, who import more efficient cars to the US.

    It is true that US car makers are less innovative than the Japanese or the Europeans, but the blame lies in the cheap prices of Gas in the US, compared to prices in Europe, or Japan, so there is little incentive to make cars more fuel efficient for the US market.

  3. put down the keys and walk away from the car.  you sound drunk

  4. Sounds like u have a job.

  5. Patents are public record.  Why don't you find the information yourself?

  6. The combustible engine gets about 28% eefficiency now as compared to 16% in the 70s.  The problem is with safety equipment and emmisions extras attached to them.  They would put the 'technology' if it existed to make them more competitve.  these so called patents do not exist and are a myth sorry. There was never a 50mpg carberateur and if there was they would have put it in every car. Cars are heavier now and it takes more power to move that mass and people driving habits determine the fuel economy of a car.

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