
Path Train TO NJ ...?

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It's my first time taking a Path train to New Jersey

I need to get to NYE Avenue..

What Path train stop do I get off of?

Grove Street?

How far would I have to go from there to get to

345 NYE avenue, in irvington NJ, 07111.

I can't find an answer anywhere. I'm really confused and tend to panic or go into anxiety attacks when I feel lost or can't figure out where to go. Please help, it would be greately appreciated.




  1. You should check out Trip123's transit trip planner as it plans a trip from origin address to destination address in the NYC metro area.  I put in a trip from the World Trade Center to that address and it was a 51 minute trip on the PATH Newark Line to Newark Penn Station and NJ Transit Bus 70 to Livingston Mall, then there is a walking map to that address in Irvington.  Check it out at the link below!

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